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September Monthly Meeting

20/09/2021 15:00 - MS Teams

Download Minutes & Agenda:

Meeting Minutes

15 September 2021

To:    The Cathaoirleach and Members of Westmeath County Council

A Chathaoirligh agus a Chomhaltaí

I should be obliged if you would arrange to attend the September Monthly Meeting of Westmeath County Council, to be held on Monday next, 20 September 2021 to commence at 3.00 pm remotely by MS Teams Meeting to consider the items set out on the Agenda hereunder.

Mise, le Meas,

Anne Galvin,
Meetings Administrator.


1.    Roll Call and Declaration of a Conflict of Interest at Meetings

2.    Miontuairiscí

(i)    To approve the minutes of Finance Committee Meeting of Westmeath County Council held by MS Teams on Monday, 19 July 2021 at 2:00 p.m.

Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting 19.07.2021
(ii)    To approve the minutes of the July Monthly Meeting of Westmeath County Council held by MS Teams on Monday, 19 July 2021at 3:00 p.m.

Minutes of July Meeting of Westmeath County Council 19.07.2021

(iii)    To note the minutes of CPG meeting of Westmeath County Council held by teleconference, on Wednesday, 14 July 2021 at 8.30 a.m.

Minutes of CPG Meeting July 2021

(iv)    To note the minutes of the meeting of  the Members of the Municipal District of Mullingar-Kinnegad held on  Monday, 12 July 2021 at 2:00 p.m.

Minutes of the Mullingar-Kinnegad MD Meeting 12.07.2021

(v)    To note the minutes of the meeting of  the Members of the Municipal District of Athlone- Moate held on  Monday, 05 July 2021 at 2:00 p.m.

Minutes of the Athlone-Moate MD Meeting 05 July 2021

3.    Management Report

Monthly Management Report - July 2021

Monthly Management Report -Aug 2021

4.    Chief Executive Orders

5.    Disposal of Land/Property

(i)    Proposed disposal of dwelling house at Winetown, Rathowen, Co. Westmeath in accordance with the terms of Section 183 Notice of the Local Government Act 2001 circulated within the specified period.

C.E. Cover Letter Winetown Rathowen

S 183 Proposed disposal of Dwelling house at Winetown, Rathowen

(ii)    Proposed disposal of house and garden thereto at Martinstown, Delvin, Co. Westmeath in accordance with the terms of Section 183 Notice of the Local Government Act 2001 circulated within the specified period.

CE Cover Letter proposed disposal of house and plot thereof at Martinstown

S183 - Proposed proposal of house and plot thereof at Martinstown Delvin

(iii)    Proposed Licence of circa 39 square metres of office accommodation, 10.7 square metres of storage space at the Athlone Civic Centre (including the use of three car park spaces) to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in accordance with the terms of Section 183 Notice of the Local Government Act 2001 circulated within the specified period.

CE letter proposed licence of circa 39 square metres of office accommodation

Licence Area for EPA office accommodation and storage in Athlone Civic Centre

S183 proposed of circa 39 square metres of office accommodation at Athlone Civic

(iv)    Proposed Licence of circa 0.471 acre plot at Wansboro Field Athlone to Irish Water to use as a Temporary Working Area and Machinery Depot in accordance with the terms of Section 183 Notice of the Local Government Act 2001 circulated within the specified period.

CE cover letter re proposed licence of circa 0.471 acre plot at Wansboro Field A

Licence Map 0.471 acre plot at Wansboro Field Athlone Drawing No. 1104-2020-01

S183 Proposed Licence of circa 0.471 acre plot at Wansboro Field Athlone to IW

(v)    Proposed disposal of circa 1.376 acres to Athlone Regional Sports Centre Ltd. in accordance with the terms of Section 183 Notice of the Local Government Act 2001 circulated within the specified period.

ARSC_Overall mapping

S183 - Proposed disposal of circa 1.376 acres to Athlone Reg Sports Centre

(vi)    Proposed disposal of Site No. 1 at Castletown Village, Finea comprising 0.605 acres (to supersede previous) in accordance with the terms of Section 183 Notice of the Local Government Act 2001 circulated within the specified period.

S183 Proposed disposal of Site No 1 at Castletown Village Finea

(vii)    Proposed disposal of circa 2.067 acre commercial site at Cloghanboy Athlone in accordance with the terms of Section 183 Notice of the Local Government Act 2001 circulated within the specified period.

 ‌CE Cover letter proposed disposal of circa 2.067 acre commercial site

Certified copy of Land Transfer Map circa 2.067-acres commercial site

S183 - Proposed disposal of circa 2.067 acre commercial site at Cloghanboy

6.    To receive update on Libraries and Arts Programmes

7.    To receive update on Housing  (including “Housing for All”)

Housing Update 20210920

8.    To approve the nomination of Mr. Seamus McNamee, Irish Congress of Trade Unions, to fill a vacancy as sectoral representative on the Housing, Community, Corporate and Culture SPC

9.    Motions:

Cllr. Vinny McCormack

“That Lough Sewdy be added to the Schedule of Lakes of High Amenity in Chapter 13 of the County
 Development Plan 2021-2027”.

Cllr Aoife Davitt

“To call on Westmeath County Council to compel owners to keep their dog on a lead on the canal
footpath and Greenway in conjunction with the other associated agencies.

This could be through means of a bye law, signage, fines etc.”

10.    Recommendation(s) from Corporate Policy Group:

  • That Budget 2022 Meeting dates be held on the following  dates:

          22/11/2021         Preliminary Budget Meeting @ 10 a.m.
          29/11/2021         Statutory Budget Meeting @ 10 a.m.

  • To consider a recommendation to the Members of Westmeath County Council that they resolve to afford a Civic Reception to the Westmeath Ladies Gaelic Football Team who won the TG4 All-Ireland  Intermediate Championship Final held in Croke Park on 5 September 2021

11.    To receive reports and recommendations from SPC Chairpersons

12.    Correspondence

13.    Aon Gnó Eile