22/11/2021 15:00 - Council Chamber Athlone
17 November 2021
To: The Cathaoirleach and Members of Westmeath County Council
A Chathaoirligh agus a Chomhaltaí
I should be obliged if you would arrange to attend the November Monthly Meeting of Westmeath County Council, to be held on Monday next, 22 November 2021 to commence at 3.00 pm in Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Athlone by Hybrid Meeting to consider the items set out on the Agenda hereunder.
Mise, le Meas,
Anne Galvin,
Meetings Administrator.
1. Roll Call and Declaration of a Conflict of Interest at Meetings
2. Miontuairiscí
(i) To approve the minutes of the October Monthly Meeting of Westmeath County Council held by video conference on Monday, 18 October 2021at 3:00 p.m.
Minutes of October Monthly Council Meeting 18.10.2021
(ii) To note the minutes of CPG meeting of Westmeath County Council held by teleconference, on Wednesday, 13 October 2021 at 8.30 a.m.
Minutes of CPG Meeting October 2021
(iii) To note the minutes of the Municipal District Mullingar-Kinnegad meeting of Westmeath County Council held in the Executive Lounge, Áras an Chontae, Mullingar and by video conference (hybrid meeting) on Monday, 11 October 2021 at 2:00 p.m
Minutes of October meeting of MDMK 11.10.2021
(iv) To note the minutes of the Municipal District of Mullingar-Kinnegad special meeting held by video conference on Wednesday, 27 October 2021 at 8:30 a.m.
Minutes of Special Meeting of MDMK 27.10.2021
(v) To note the minutes of the Municipal District Athlone-Moate meeting of Westmeath County Council held in Civic Centre, Church Street, Athlone and by video conference (hybrid meeting) on Monday, 4 October 2021 at 2.00 p.m.
Minutes of October meeting of MDAM 04.10.2021
3. Management Report
Monthly Management Report - October 2021
4. Chief Executive Orders
5. Disposal of Land/Property
(i) Proposed disposal of site at Ennell Court, Mullingar Co. Westmeath in accordance with the terms of Section 183 Notice of the Local Government Act 2001 circulated within the specified period.
C.E. Cover Letter - Proposed disposal of property at Ennell Court, Mullingar
S183-Proposed disposal of site at Ennell Court, Mullingar
113_ESB_01- Land Transfer Map
(ii) Proposed disposal of Plot at Clara Road, Moate, County Westmeath in accordance with the terms of Section 183 Notice of the Local Government Act 2001 circulated within the specified period.
C.E. Cover Letter - Proposed disposal of properties at Weaver's Row-Clara Rd. Mo
S183-Proposed disposal of ploat at Clara Rd., Moate, Co. Westmeath - 0.081 acres
WCC to Moran Family members - Plot at Clara Road, Moate
(iii) Proposed disposal of Plot at Clara Road, Moate, County Westmeath in accordance with the terms of Section 183 Notice of the Local Government Act 2001 circulated within the specified period.
S183-Proposed disposal of Plot A and B, Clara Rd., Moate
WCC to Kevin Ennis - Plot at Clara Road, Moate
(iv) Proposed disposal of Plot at Weavers Row, Moate, County Westmeath in accordance with the terms of Section 183 Notice of the Local Government Act 2001 circulated within the specified period.
S183-Proposed disposal of plot at Weavers Row, Moate
WCC to Veronica Kelly - Plot at Clara Road, Moate
6. To consider Part 8 Report on the construction of Pedestrian and Cycle link from Killucan/Rathwire to the Royal Canal Greenway at Thomastown
C.E. Report on the construction of Pedestrian and Cycle link
7. To note NOAC Local Authority Performance Indicator Report 2020
Chief Executive Letter to Members re NOAC Report 2020
Local Authority Performance Indicator Report 2020
8. To receive update on:
1. The LEADER 2014-2020 Programme
2. The Transitional LEADER Programme
3. The European Union Recovery Instrument Fund
9. Motions
10. Recommendation(s) from Corporate Policy Group:
• To approve draft County Council Meeting Schedule 2022
Draft Council and CPG meeting Schedule 2022
• That a special meeting of Westmeath County Council be scheduled for Tuesday 7 December at 4pm, by MS Teams, to seek the views of the Members with regard to the Bracklyn Wind Farm, Strategic Infrastructure Development
11. To receive reports and recommendations from SPC Chairpersons
12. Correspondence:
Motion from Tipperary County Council:
Motion from Tipperary Co. Council 20.10.21
The Council notes that the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage is proposing that Tipperary County Council procure consulting Engineering Services to assist in the process of amalgamation and rationalisation of Group Water Schemes in County Tipperary. We, the Chairman and Elected Members of the Council's Rural Water Monitoring Committee, are requesting that the Rural Water Unit of the Department engage proactively with the Rural Water Team of the Council's Water Services Section in preparing and finalising the contents of the Brief for the procurement of these services in a mutually satisfactory and complementary manner.
We are also requesting that, where a Group Water Scheme wishes to remain independent and not to be Taken in Charge by Irish Water, it will be so facilitated.
We are asking the Council to support this Notice of Motion so that it can be forwarded to the Rural Water Unit of the Department for attention.
13. Aon Gnó Eile