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January Monthly Meeting

25/01/2021 15:00 - Council Chamber

Download Minutes & Agenda:

Meeting Minutes


                                                                                                                                                       20 January 2021.

To:    The Cathaoirleach and Members of Westmeath County Council

A Chathaoirligh agus a Chomhaltaí

I should be obliged if you would arrange to attend the January Monthly Meeting of Westmeath County Council, to be held on Monday next, 25 January 2021 by MS Teams Meeting to commence immediately following the conclusion of the  Finance Committee Meeting, and no later than 3p.m.,to consider the items set out on the Agenda hereunder.

Mise, le Meas,

Anne Galvin,
Meetings Administrator.



1.    Roll Call and Declaration of a Conflict of Interest at Meetings

2.    Miontuairiscí

(i)    To approve the minutes of the December Monthly Meeting of Westmeath County Council held in the Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Church Street, Athlone on Monday, 14 December 2020 at 3:00 p.m.

Minutes of the December Monthly Meeting of WCC 14.12.2020

(ii)    To approve the minutes of the Special Meetings of Westmeath County Council, held on the following dates in November 2020,  in the Atrium, Áras an Chontae, Mullingar and the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Church Street, Athlone.

a.    16 November 2020
b.    17 November 2020
c.    18 November 2020
d.    19 November 2020
e.    24 November 2020

Minutes of CDP Meetings November 2020

(iii)    To note the minutes of CPG meeting of Westmeath County Council held by teleconference, on Wednesday, 09 December 2020 at 8.30 a.m.

Minutes of CPG Meeting 09 December 2020

(iv)    To note the minutes of the Municipal District Mullingar-Kinnegad meeting of Westmeath County Council held in the Executive Lounge, Áras an Chontae, Mullingar on Monday, 7 December 2020 at 2.00 p.m.

MDMK Minutes December 2020

(v)    To note the minutes of the Municipal District Athlone-Moate meeting of Westmeath County Council held in Civic Centre, Church Street, Athlone on Monday, 7 December 2020 at 2.00 p.m.

MDAM Minutes December 2020

3.    Management Report

Monthly Management Report -December 2020

4.    Chief Executive Orders

5.    Disposal of Land/Property

C.E. Letter Athlone Main Drainage Contract no. 2

S.183 Map IW-10001328-WL-076

S.183 Map IW-10001328-WL-077

S.183 Map IW-10001328-WL-108

S.183 Map IW-10001328-WL-109

(i)    Proposed disposal by lease of former Motor Tax/Library building on Church Avenue, Mullingar to Longford and Westmeath Education and Training Board in accordance with the terms of Section 183 Notice of the Local Government Act 2001 circulated within the specified period.

C.E. Cover Letter Motor Tax Building Church Ave. Mullingar

Location Map of former Motor Tax Library Building on Church Avenue Mullingar

S183-Motor Tax Building Church Ave., Mullingar

(ii)    Proposed disposal of circa 0.00049 acres required for the “Athlone Main Drainage Contract No.2: Networks Scheme”, at Clonbrusk, Athlone, to Irish Water DAC, Colville House, 24/26 Talbot Street, Dublin 1 in accordance with the terms of Section 183 Notice of the Local Government Act 2001 circulated within the specified period.

S183-0.00049 acres Clonbrusk Athlone

(iii)    Proposed disposal of circa 0.144 acres required for the “Athlone Main Drainage Contract No.2: Networks Scheme”, at Golden Island, Athlone, to Irish Water DAC, Colville House, 24/26 Talbot Street, Dublin 1 in accordance with the terms of Section 183 Notice of the Local Government Act 2001 circulated within the specified period.

S183-0.144 acres at Golden Island, Athlone

(iv)    Proposed disposal of circa 0.04324 acres required for the “Athlone Main Drainage Contract No.2: Networks Scheme”, in the townsland of Athlone, to Irish Water DAC, Colville House, 24/26 Talbot Street, Dublin 1 in accordance with the terms of Section 183 Notice of the Local Government Act 2001 circulated within the specified period.

S183-0.04324 acres at Athlone

(v)    Proposed disposal of circa 0.6269 acres required for the “Athlone Main Drainage Contract No.2: Networks Scheme”, at Golden Island, Athlone, to Irish Water DAC, Colville House, 24/26 Talbot Street, Dublin 1 in accordance with the terms of Section 183 Notice of the Local Government Act 2001 circulated within the specified period.

S183-0.6269 acres at Golden Island, Athlone

(vi)    Proposed disposal of circa 0.1337-acre segment, at Zone C, Mullingar Business Park, Clonmore, Mullingar to Matt Buckley, Quality Tractor Parts (QTP) Ltd in accordance with the terms of Section 183 Notice of the Local Government Act 2001 circulated within the specified period.

C.E. Letter Zone C Mullingar Business Park

Section 183 Map 0.1337 acre segment at Clonmore Mullingar

S183-0.1337 acre segment at Zone C Mgar. Bus. Pk., Clonmore

6.    To note the NOAC Local Authority Performance Indicator Report 2019

Ltr to Members re. NOAC 2019 Report

NOAC Performance Indicator Report 2019

7.    To note the Final Report of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes

8.    Motions:

Cllr. Hazel Smyth:

“That this Council recognises the importance of community participation in the energy transition, and supports the installation of rooftop solar power for community buildings, particularly school buildings.  The Council notes that while residential, commercial, industrial and business buildings benefit from an exemption to planning permission for the installation of solar panels covering less than 50% of the roof area (SI83/2007, SI235/208), community buildings and schools are not subject to the same exemptions, and this creates an unfair burden and significant additional cost on schools and community buildings seeking to install solar panels.

Noting this, the Council will formally request of the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government to include as a matter of urgency schools and community buildings in the exemptions from planning permission for the installation of solar panels”

9.    Recommendation(s) from Corporate Policy Group

10.    To receive reports and recommendations from SPC Chairpersons:

To receive reports and recommendations from the Chair of the Economic Development, Enterprise and Tourism SPC:

1.    To consider expansion of Shopfront Enhancement Grant Scheme to include the installation of canopies and awnings
2.    To consider grants to the following under the Economic Development and Promotion Fund:

              a.    Tracks and Trails Programme focussed on County Westmeath €27,350
              b.    Shop Moate for Christmas Campaign 2020 €2,100
              c.    Destination Athlone Christmas Campaign 2020 €5,000
              d.    Athlone Co-Working Hub - Athlone Chamber €13,734

11.    Correspondence

12.    Aon Gnó Eile