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November Monthly Meeting

04/11/2024 14.00 - Council Chamber, Athlone

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MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF ATHLONE-MOATE                                       


                                                                                                                                                                Civic Centre

                                                                                                                                                                Church Street



                                                                                                                                                         31st October 2024


To Mayor & Each Member:


A Chara,


You are requested to attend the November Monthly Meeting of the Municipal District of Athlone-Moate which will be held at 2.00p.m. on Monday 4th November 2024 in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Athlone.


  1. Prayer


  1. Roll Call & Declaration of Interests.


  1. Votes of congratulations/sympathy.


  1. To approve the Minutes of the October Monthly Meeting held on Wednesday 14th October, 2024, In Committee Meetings held on Wednesday 14th October 2024 and Friday 25th October 2024, and the Special Meeting held 30th October, 2024.


  1. Matters arising.


  1. To consider the Chief Executive’s report and General Municipal Allocation (GMA) issued under Section 102 (4A) (a) of the Local Government Act 2001 (as amended by the Local Government Reform Act 2014).


  1. To consider and approve Christmas Lights Grants for 2024.


      8.  Correspondence.


      9.  Questions.


     10.  Motions.


(a)    Cllr. Tom Farrell: “That this Municipal District of Athlone-Moate That the facilities at the Greenway Stop in Streamstown be enhanced to meet the current demand as the Car Park ,Camper Van Parking, and Kitchen facilities are inadequate”.

(b)    Cllr. Tom Farrell: “To consider putting in a Pedestrian Cross for visually impaired near the Garda Station on the Athlone road Moate and for the existing crosses already in use to be upgraded to facilitate visionally impaired users”.


(c)     Cllr. John Dolan: “That this District awards Ballinahown Village a Civic reception in recognition of winning a Gold Medal in the Entente Florelle competition”.


(d)    Cllr. John Dolan: “ That this District discusses the future development and use of Athlone Marina and how it can be enhanced and promoted in the future”.



(e)    Cllr. Frankie Keena: “That this Municipal District provide an appropriate pedestrian crossing from Assumption road to Wansboro Amenity Park and also implement measures to slow down traffic travelling from the Tormey Villas side towards this junction in the interest of public safety”.


(f)     Cllr. Frankie Keena: “That this Municipal District provide some speed ramps on the Willow Park road alongside house numbers 64 to 90 Willow Park”.



(g)    Cllr. Aengus O’ Rourke: “For this Municipal District to move ahead now with a ‘Plan B’ for the old O’Neill’s derelict site on Mardyke Street that has been on sale now for some time but without any firm offers.”.


(h)    Cllr. Aengus O’ Rourke: “For this Municipal District to put in place good quality temporary public toilets from March to November in a suitable location at the rear of the Castle / close to Luan Gallery”. 


(i)      Cllr. Johnny Penrose: “That the Municipal District of Athlone-Moate will liaise with Household Waste Disposal Companies to conduct a survey of those households who are not availing of the refuse collection services and that these houses would then be question as to where they dispose their rubbish. At present dumping is a huge issue for the Council and household waste makes up a proportion of this and its time that we find out where the rubbish of those who are not availing of the disposal services is going”.


(j)      Cllr. Johnny Penrose: “That the Municipal District of Athlone-Moate will write to Irish Water and Minister Darragh O’Brien in relation to the extortion minimum of houses required to set up a new group water scheme. At present it sits at a minimum of 25 house are there are currently several areas across Westmeath that need this scheme but are now not qualified as there isn’t a minimum of 25 houses in the area. This number needs to be reconsidered and lowered to allow for all people to have access to clean and usable drinking water. This is putting Rural Ireland at a huge disadvantage and now means that houses which could be built will no longer be built as they do not access to water”.



(k)    Cllr. Liam McDaniel: “ That the Municipal District of Athlone-Moate, with the imminent introduction of restricted on-street parking in both Kilbeggan and Tyrrellspass , seek locations in both towns to provide off-street parking. This will facilitate those from outlying areas using public transport for work, hospital appointments, college etc”.


(l)      Cllr. Liam McDaniel: “To call on the Municipal District of Athlone-Moate to upgrade and refurbish the signpost area at the junction of the R389 and L1235 in the village of Castletown Geoghegan. This area is at the centre of the village realm and needs to be refreshed”.



(m) Cllr. Vinny McCormack: “To call on the Municipal District of Athlone-Moate Immediately bring forward speed reduction plans for the highest priority towns and villages which can be funded in 2025”.


(n)    Cllr. Vinny McCormack: “To call on the Municipal District of Athlone-Moate to immediately bring forward plans for the redevelopment of the Clara Rd playground, Moate”.


(o)    Cllr. Paul Hogan: “That this Municipal District provide speed ramps outside Coosan National School”.


(p)    Cllr. Paul Hogan: “That this Municipal District write to Uisce Éireann to request an upgrade of the water infrastructure for people living in Altown and Garrycastle”.







Mise le meas,


Frank Dolan

District Administrator

Municipal District of Athlone-Moate,

Tel: 09064 42113