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Midlands Accommodation Centre

Update from the Community Engagement Team

An Roinn Leanaí, Comhionannais, Míchumais, Lánpháirtíochta agus Óige

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) has begun operating an accommodation centre for people seeking International Protection at Midlands Accommodation Centre (MAC), Lissywollen, Athlone on 4th December 2024. 

The first 39 residents arrived in MAC during the morning of December 4th 2024. The site will be occupied on a phased basis. The Department hopes to be in a position to use the full capacity of Midlands Accommodation Centre during 2025.

People in the area have questions and concerns about this and we want to provide accurate information about what is known and planned for this site.

There are ongoing legal proceedings in relation to this site and the Department notes the decision by the High Court to schedule a hearing in relation to planning matters on 19 December.

While the Department is respectful of this process, we are also extremely concerned about the welfare of people to whom we have a legal duty of care.

Finding accommodation for people seeking international protection has become ever more urgent due to the acute shortage of accommodation. Nearly 3,000 people have no offer of accommodation at the moment. Over the last number of weeks, because of cold and stormy weather, some of our accommodation sites for male applicants are currently out of use.

Applicants for international protection do not have access to social housing support or standard social welfare entitlements, and many of them lack a network of family or friends in the State to assist them with accommodation and therefore temporary accommodation sites such as Midlands Accommodation Centre (MAC) are an essential component of the Government’s strategy to provide basic accommodation to applicants.

The Department is obliged to begin providing accommodation to people who are in need of basic shelter and supports.

The Community Engagement Team is anxious to engage with local community organisations through the Community Integration Forum and is available to meet whenever is convenient for the Forum.

 gov.ie - Midlands Accommodation Centre, Lissywollen, Athlone


Content Last Updated/Reviewed: 05/12/2024