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Water Framework Directive

A river basin is simply an area of land that is drained by a river, so everyone lives in a river basin. Water quality is important and affects everyone. A Draft River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018 – 2021 has been issued for public consultation showing the actions that different sectors, organisations, communities and State bodies will take to protect Ireland’s waters at local, regional, and national level. Actions at local level will play a vital part in protecting or restoring water quality.

Before the plan becomes final, the Government wants to hear your views, comments and concerns and has prepared a leaflet that explains in plain language some information on water quality in Ireland, what is in the draft plan and how we intend to improve water quality, where you can get more information, and most importantly, how to share your views and concerns. The final date for sharing your views is 31st August 2017.

Related file(s)

Draft River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018-2021 leaflet_HR

Draft River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018-2021 leaflet_LR

Dréacht-Phlean Bainistíochta Abhantraí d'Eireann 2018-2021_HR

Dréacht-Phlean Bainistíochta Abhantraí d'Eireann 2018-2021_LR