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Speed Limits

Speed limits are expressed in km/hr through distinctive road signs throughout the country. These signs are found on every motorway and on major roads and minor roads throughout County Westmeath and consist of a circular sign with a white background and a red border. The speed limit is shown in the centre of the sign in black numerals (i.e. 30, 40, 60, etc.)..

Structure of Speed Limits

Speed limits apply on a default basis and can only be changed on a permanent basis ,as fixed, variable or periodic by Local Authorities through the making of Special Speed Limit bye-laws.

Default Speed Limits are speed limits that are specified in Sections 5 to 8 of the Road Traffic Act 2004 which sets out the range of speed limits that are applied fora number of classes or categories of public road.

Special Speed Limits are speed limits that are specified in bye-laws prepared by Local Authority Engineers and made (adopted by the vote of) by the Elected Members of Local Authorities. Section 9 of the Road Traffic Act 2004 (a mended by Section 86 of the Road Traffic Act 2010) sets out the range of special speed limits that may be applied through byelaws.

Variable and Periodic Special Speed Limits are provided for both in legislation and in the Traffic Signs Manual. These speed limits are generally intended for use on motorways, tunnels and at schools.

Road Traffic (Special Speed Limits) (County of Westmeath) Bye-Laws 2019

Westmeath County Council in the interest of public safety has prepared Road Traffic (Special Speed Limits) (County of Westmeath) Bye-Laws 2019 in respect of the Administrative County of Westmeath.  These Bye-Laws came into effect on the 1st January, 2020.

The Bye-Laws are also available for inspection or download below :

Road Traffic (Special Speed Limit) (County of Westmeath) Bye Laws 2019

2019 Special Speed Limits - Book of Maps

Athlone Map - Speed Limits 2019

Mullingar Map - Speed Limits 2019

M6 Interchanges Map - Speed Limits 2019

N4 M4 Maps - Speed Limits 2019

R446 Map - Speed Limits 2019



Speed limits at Road Works

The Chief Executive of a county or a city council may, where he or she considers it is in the interests of road safety, on a road or motorway or part of a road or motorway where road works are being carried out in the administrative area of the county or city council for which he or she is the manager, by order (“road works speed limit order”) apply to the road or motorway or part of it a special limit (“road works speed limit”) being a speed limit of not less than 30 kilometres per hour, as the speed limit on the road or motorway for mechanically propelled vehicles, in lieu of the speed limit provided or having effect under this Act in respect of the road or motorway or part of it.


Current Roadworks Speed limits

Area affected   Details of Speed Limits   End Date

A 60kph speed limit will be introduced over sections of the M6 Westbound, from the approach to Junction 2, ending after Junction 5, and the M6 Eastbound, from the approach to Junction 5, ending after Junction 2.

At various times between 1st June 2023 to the 27th October 2023.

A speed limit of 50 km/h will apply on the L1721 from the N52 junction at Rathconnell to a point 1.25 kms north towards the L1015 at Crazy Corner

For the duration of the works

A speed limit of 60 km/h will apply along a section of the N52 National Secondary Route between Tullanisky and Tally Ho and along a section of the R394 Regional Route between Lynn and Tullanisky (see attached Notice & Map) Speed Limit Notice   Speed Limit - Map


From 24.09.2021 for the duration of the works

Speed Limit Appeals Procedure

The Speed Limit Appeals Procedure (the Procedure) sets out the procedure that is activated and must be followed when a member of the public (the Appellant) raises an objection to a speed limit contained within a Local Authority’s current Special Speed Limit Bye-laws. This procedure is not to be used during Local Authority Special Speed Limit Bye-laws Public Consultations. The usual procedure for making submissions to proposed special speed limits remains. This procedure is intended to facilitate the legitimate query a member of the public or interested party may have with regard to speed limits and is also intended to speed up the process of reviewing speed limit queries raised between full Local Authority speed limit reviews, which can typically be up to five years. It consists of two parts, an initial appeal to the relevant Local Authority Panel, and the option to then escalate the appeal to a Regional Panel should the appellant not accept the decision of the Local Authority Panel. To ensure the process is not used for frivolous and repeated Appeals in relation to the same speed limit, a fee of €125 must be paid to the Local Authority by the Appellant when escalating the appeal to the Regional Panel (See Section C). This fee will be refunded if the appeal is upheld by the Regional Panel. There is no fee payable for the initial appeal to the Local Authority.

The Procedure is titled THE SPEED LIMIT APPEALS PROCEDURE as, frequently, during Public Consultations relating to Special Speed Limit Bye-laws, Local Authorities request submissions are clearly marked ‘Speed Limit Review’. It should also be noted that this Procedure is not a means of appealing a speeding offence. This is clearly stated on the form the Appellant is required to submit to initiate an appeal.

For further information and to download the form please visit the speedlimits.ie website.

Please note the Appellant should download the appeal form from speedlimits.ie, fill out the requested information and submit it to the

Transportation Section
Westmeath County Council,
Áras An Chontae,
Mount Street,
N91 FH4N