Local Improvement SchemeDepartment of Rural and Community Development Local Improvement Scheme. Westmeath County Council is inviting applications for the Local Improvement Scheme (LIS Scheme) which is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development. The LIS Scheme enables the carrying out of improvement works on private/non-public roads. Eligible road projects are those that involve the construction or improvement of non-public roads as follows:
*Parcels of land must be at least 1 hectare in size. Works can also be carried out on Amenity Roads leading to important community amenities such as graveyards, beaches, piers, mountain access points or other tourist/heritage sites. Such roads may not account for more than 25% of the allocation provided to each Local Authority. Schemes must have the consent of all affected landholders and a financial contribution of between 10% and 15% of the overall cost must be paid by the applicants prior to commencement of works on any project. The maximum amount that any beneficiary is required to contribute is capped at €1,200. Non-eligible road projects The following road projects are not eligible for funding
How to apply: Application forms and further information are available from the Transportation Department: Tel 044 9332216 or 044/9332288. Email roads@westmeathcoco.ie . The closing date for applications for the Department of Rural and Community Development Local Improvement Scheme is the 28th of February 2025. Applications received will be assessed in accordance with the scheme guidance as issued by Department of Rural and Community Development.
To facilitate the identification of the location of the projects/work, applicants are required to provide the ITM-X and ITM-Y co-ordinates of the scheme. These co-ordinates can be found on the website irish.gridreferencefinder.com. For a guide to help applicants find their co-ordinates for an application Simple Guide - How to Find xy-itm Co-Ordinates |
Community Involvement SchemeExpressions of InterestThe Department of Transport provides funding nationally towards this scheme to encourage local communities to get involved in the restoration and maintenance of local public roads and footpaths. Local authorities do not have the funds to carry out desirable maintenance works to all roads in their charge. The purpose of this initiative is to maximise the resources available for local road maintenance and is subject to a local community contribution of a minimum of 10% of the works costs. Westmeath County Council invites expressions of interest from local communities who are interested in availing of this scheme. Schemes will be assessed for inclusion in a programme of works for completion during 2023/2024/2025, subject to the provision of funding and scheme conditions. Further information Prior to applying it is advised to contact your local Municipal District Office to discuss eligibility and suitability of proposed schemes. Mullingar Kinnegad Municipal District Tel: 044 933 2021 Email csmullingar@westmeathcoco.ie Athlone Moate Municipal District Tel: 09064 42150 Email athlonemunicipaldistrict@westmeathcoco.ie
How to apply The application form including further information and terms and conditions for this scheme may be downloaded from our website at the links below:
Completed forms should be returned by post to: Transportation Section, Áras an Chontae, County Buildings, Mullingar, County Westmeath N91 FH4N Or, you may send by email to: roads@westmeathcoco.ie with the subject title "Community Involvement Scheme Application". |
Road Opening LicenceNote An application for a Road Opening Licence must be made via the Maproad Roadworks Licensing System. This System is facilitated and supported by the Road Management Office. All applicants must register in advance through the RMO and must submit evidence of compliant Insurances in the required format. You can register as a new Applicant here, and user queries can be directed to support@mrl.jitbit.com Details of charges for Road Opening Licences are available on the RMO website which are broken down by Authority. See attached link: http://www.rmo.ie/road-licensing-charges.html |
Bus/Coach Stop ApplicationApplication Form to use Bus/Coach Stop Bus Stopping Place - Application Form 2021 For the use of an existing bus stopping place please reference existing bus stop number ( Association of Transport Coordination Officers Code) and location by accessing the list of current locations via the link below. Bus Stop Location Map click link |
Temporary Road ClosureFor approval to temporarily close a public road to traffic |
Temporary Roadworks Speed LimitApplication form for Temporary Roadworks Speed Limit |
Temporary Sign InstallationsApplication for the erection of temporary signage |
Abnormal Load Application Form (Including dump truck and off-road vehicles)For approval to transport an abnormal load on a public road such as a large indivisible load which exceeding legal limits or exceeding legal gross weight limits. PAYMENT MUST BE MADE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION - APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT RECEIPT NUMBER. THE ATTACHED APPLICATION FORM MUST BE USED. Abnormal Load Application Form 2025 |
HGV Permit Application FormWhere it is proposed to use a vehicle with 5 axles or more on a road which has restrictions in place for such vehicles, a permit must be obtained from the relevant local authority. Find form attached here HGV Permit Application Form |
Roads and Services in ChargeHow to get confirmation that Roads & Services are/are not in charge. How do I get confirmation that Roads & Services are, or are not, in the Charge of Westmeath County Council? All requests for confirmation that Roads and Services are, or are not, in the Charge of Westmeath County Council must be formally made in writing to the relevant Municipal District of Westmeath County Council – see contact information below. This correspondence should be accompanied by a clearly marked site location map and the €70 administration fee. All cheques, bankers orders, postal orders, etc., should be drawn in favour of Westmeath County Council. Mullingar Municipal District : Áras An Chontae, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, N91 FH4N Telephone: 044 9332021 email csmullingar@westmeathcoco.ie Athlone Municipal District : Civic Centre, Church Street, Athlone, N37 P2T5 Telephone: 09064 42100 email athlonemunicipaldistrict@westmeathcoco.ie |
Licence for Advertisement Sign on Public Road