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Online Planning System

Welcome to Westmeath County Council online planning system - The online planning system will become your one-stop online service for submitting and tracking development applications.

The Local Government Online Planning portal was designed to streamline the application for planning permission across all Local Authorities in Ireland. The online portal is easy-to-use and moves the process into an environmentally friendly one that is also user friendly.

For more information on how to use the Portal, please see the video and documents below:

Submit your planning application online

Click on the link below to lodge your planning application with the Planning Authority via the national E-planning portal website. .

Start or view your application

Lodge an application online

Register or login to your account to make a planning application or to manage an application that has been lodged.

Login and lodge

If you don’t have an account, create one now.


You can view planning applications that have been lodged with a local authority. This includes applications where decisions are pending and those where decisions have been made.

Find Application


is development for which planning permission is not required. Categories of exempted development are set out in planning law (see 2000 Planning Act (as amended) and 2001 – 2013 Planning Regulations) The purpose of exemption is to avoid controls on developments of a minor nature, such as a small extension to a house. Reference must be made to the legislation to ensure that the development falls within the exemption thresholds/limits. If the particular development exceeds the thresholds/limits listed, the development requires permission.

Section 5 Declarations

Under Section 5 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, a person can seek a formal declaration from the planning authority to establish if there is a requirement for planning permission for a specific proposal. You must submit details in writing and forward it along with a site location map, a fee of €80.00, and as much detail as possible outlining your proposal (drawings, photos etc,) A decision will issue in four weeks, and the applicant may appeal the decision to An Bord Pleanála.

Section 5 Application Form Westmeath

Foirm Iarratais Maidir Le Dearbhú Alt 5 (1,504kB)  

Section 97 Certificate of Exemption

Section 97 Certificate of Exemption Form 2022

Fees payable

Scale of Fees (36kB)

Contribution Schemes

The Local Government (Planning & Development) Act, 1963 enabled planning authorities to grant planning permission subject to conditions requiring payment of a contribution towards expenditure incurred or proposed to be incurred by it in respect of works to facilitate the proposed development.

The Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) provides for a new system for levying development contributions in order to increase its flexibility and the range of infrastructure that can be funded by this mechanism. For further information please read the documents below: