Westmeath County Council will purchase goods and services available under framework agreements and contracts set up by the Office of Government Procurement (http://www.procurement.ie/home) in the areas such as:-
For the procurement of goods, services and contracts for works not available under the framework agreements or contracts above, the Council uses the following facilities to procure tenders, quotations or proposals for goods, services and works:
Suppliers/contractors are encouraged to register as suppliers on the eTenders public procurement website (http://www.etenders.gov.ie). Registered suppliers receive automatic notifications of tender opportunities available in their field of business.
All of Westmeath County Council's tenders for supplies and services in excess of €50,000, and for works in excess of €200,000 are advertised on the eTenders public procurement website http://www.etenders.gov.ie.
Public tenders for supplies and services in excess of €221,000 and works in excess of €5,548,000 will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) through the eTender website.
Suppliers may be invited from time to through tender notices on www.etenders.gov.ie to be shortlisted for supplies, services or works under framework contracts set up and managed by Supplygov.ie (http://supplygov.ie/). Mini-tender competitions may be conducted through the Supplygov.ie website (http://supplygov.ie/) for supplies, services and works under those frameworks contracts as described below.
Details of National Framework Agreements and Contracts set up by the Office of Government Procurement are available at the link: http://www.procurement.ie/suppliers
Details of Framework Agreements and Contracts set up for the Local Authority Sector are available at the link: http://supplygov.ie/terms.aspx
Supplier/contractors are normally invited through a public notice on eTenders (http://www.etenders.gov.ie) to register on the Supplygov.ie website (http://supplygov.ie/ ) as a supplier. Suppliers/contractors are encouraged to register.
Suppliers registered on Supplygov.ie (http://supplygov.ie/) may receive invitations to provide a quotation for supplies, services or works in their field of business as described below.
Supplygov.ie (http://supplygov.ie/) may advertise frameworks tenders for supplies, services and works on eTenders (http://www.etenders.gov.ie). The mini-tender competitions to be conducted under those framework contracts will be conducted through the Supplygov.ie website (http://supplygov.ie/) as described below.
The framework agreements for supplies, services and works cover road construction, plant hire and tool hire and other building and construction activities and road markings. Mini-tender competitions are conducted when the materials, services or work are required.
Supplygov.ie website (http://supplygov.ie/) is used by Mullingar and Athlone Municipal Districts, Roads and Transportation, Environment and Housing Sections for supplies, services that may be required or when minor civil or building works are to be carried out. The value of the supplies, services or works will generally be of a higher value than that of the Request for Quotation mentioned below.
This platform is used for supplies and services normally associated with construction and maintenance of facilities. The value of the supplies and services are below €50,000 and for small works it is below €200,000. Westmeath County Council may use this platform to procure quotations for the supplies and services as the need arises.
Westmeath County Council may from time to time invite quotations from suppliers for supplies and services of a value less than €50,000, and small works less than €50,000. In these cases, suppliers will in general be invited by e-mail to quote for supplies, services or works as appropriate.
Suppliers are encouraged to contact the various sections of Westmeath County Council as appropriate for consideration when for quotations are invited.
This Request/Invitation for Quotation/Proposal is conditional on the scope and requirements as described in the Request/Invitation for Quotation/Proposal as well as Other Requirements as described below:
Westmeath County Council’s Standard Terms and Conditions shall apply to this Request for Quotation or Proposal, unless other Terms and Conditions of Contract or Service is specified in the Request for Quotation.
It will be a condition of this supply arising from a quotation submitted by the supplier, that the successful supplier shall for the term of any appointment, comply with all EU and domestic taxation law and requirements, including but not being limited to Circular 43/2006 issued by the Department of Finance. This Circular and further information is available at www.finance.gov.ie and www.ros.ie
The Supplier shall comply with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and all Regulations, Codes of Practice and Guidance arising thereof, and requirements as described in Westmeath County Council’s Standard Terms and Conditions of supply and in the Request/Invitation for Quotation/Proposal. The Supplier shall prepare and submit a Health and Safety Prequalification Questionnaire for Contractor and Safety Statement and other documentation when requested