On 4th November 2023, the Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage (DHLGH) issued a revision to the existing Domestic Waste Water Treatment System (DWWTS) grant scheme with the publication of the new Regulations which came into effect from 1st January 2024.
The main amendments to the terms and conditions of this grant scheme are:
The grants are available to assist householders with the cost of works for the remediation, repair, upgrade or replacement of their Domestic WWTS serving a house, where either:
If you have been recommended remediation, repair or upgrading works or replacement of your Domestic WWTS after inspection by Westmeath County Council as per above then you may be entitled to a grant towards the works required.
From 1st January 2024, the level of grant available is 85% of the approved cost of the works, subject to a maximum of €12,000.
The above grant schemes are administered by Westmeath County Council on behalf of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.
The following forms must be completed and submitted to the Council by email to ruralwater@westmeathcoco.ie. Alternatively, you can send completed forms to the Council at the address shown below.
You can access the terms and conditions of each of the Grant Schemes by clicking the links below:
Where a grant application has been received by Westmeath county Council and the grant has not yet been paid to the householder, the Council may consider the application under the new terms and conditions, which are effective from 1 January 2024.
If your dwelling is connected to Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems (DWWTS), you are required to register your systems in line with the Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems (Registration) Regulations 2012 (SI No. 220 of 2012), as amended by Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems (Registration) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 (SI No. 180 of 2013). This includes households connected to septic tanks and similar systems.
You can register your household and pay online by credit or debit card by creating an account on the “Protect Our Water” website or you can register in person at Westmeath County Council’s offices.
The registration fee is €50. If your dwelling has not yet been registered, you should do so as soon as possible as it is an offence for a householder not to register and, if convicted, the penalty is a fine of up to €5,000. The fee covers the costs of administering the registration and management of inspections that are conducted under the Water Services (Amendment) Act 2012.
Registration of Domestic WWTS was introduced to address a European Court of Justice ruling against Ireland in October 2009. More importantly, it will help protect ground and surface water quality, particularly drinking water sources, from risks posed by faulty systems.
The objective of the EPA National Inspection Plan is to reduce the risk to human health and water quality by directly engaging with homeowners to determine if their DWWTS is being correctly operated and maintained. Inspections are targeted in areas where there is greatest risk to human health and water quality from DWWTSs. The following core principles underly the allocation of inspections:
In accordance with the current National Inspection Plan, Westmeath County Council must inspect seven Domestic waste water Treatment Systems per annum. The Council intend to carry out inspections based on perceived levels of environmental risk.
Important: Grants will not be paid towards the normal costs of ensuring a system is working properly, for example, maintaining, servicing or de-sludging a domestic waste water treatment system.
Telephone: (044) 93 32267
Email: ruralwater@westmeathcoco.ie
Domestic WWTS Grant Scheme
Rural Water Department
Westmeath County Council
Áras an Chontae
County Westmeath
N91 FH4N