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SICAP (2024-2028)

What is the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP)?

The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) 2024-2028 provides funding to tackle poverty and social exclusion at a local level through local engagement and partnerships between disadvantaged individuals, community organisations and public sector agencies.


SICAP Programme Goals (2024-2028)

Goal 1:

Contribute to building more sustainable, inclusive and empowered Communities: Empower groups of individuals, local community groups, networks and social enterprises to address collective community needs.

Goal 2:

Empower disadvantaged people to improve the quality of their lives: Support disadvantaged individuals, children and families to progress their formal education and participate in lifelong learning, to progress into employment/ self-employment, and to improve their soft skills and wellbeing.


Who funds SICAP?

SICAP 2024-2028 is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills, and Training (EIST) Programme 2021-2027. It is administered by Pobal and is managed locally by Westmeath Local Community Development Committees (LCDC), with the Programme Implementer(PI) for the County being Westmeath Community Development.


Who we work with?

  • People living in disadvantaged communities
  • People impacted by educational disadvantage
  • People living in jobless households or households where the primary income source is low-paid and/or precarious
  • People who are long-term unemployed
  • People with a criminal history
  • Heads of One-parent Families
  • International Protection Applicants
  • Disabled People/People with Disabilities
  • Travellers
  • Roma
  • Refugees


Watch the short video below to get a brief synopsis of what SICAP is: Click here


Contact Information

c/o Community Development Section
Westmeath County Council
Áras An Chontae, Mount Street,
Mullingar, N91 FH4N
Email: dce@westmeathcoco.ie


Further Information