Is an organisation responsible for the national Age Friendly Programme, affiliated to the World Health Organization’s [WHO] Global Network of Age Friendly Cities and Communities. The programme involves a multiagency, multi-sectoral approach to age-related planning and service provision. Age Friendly Ireland supports cities and counties to be more inclusive of older people by addressing their expressed concerns and interests under the eight pillars of the World Health Organization’s global programme.
Westmeath County Council have long recognized the Older People are a valuable resource to the County and have much expertise, experience and resources to assist the County's growth.
Westmeath Age Friendly Programme aims to make Westmeath the best County for older people to live, work and play. Our aim is to create an environment where Older People can live active and independent lives in their homes and communities.
Westmeath Age Friendly Programme is open to all older people (over 55yrs) in the county who would like to be involved in making Westmeath a better place in which to grow old.
Theme 1 | Outdoor Spaces and Buildings |
Theme 2 | Transportation |
Theme 3 | Housing |
Theme 4 | Respect and Social Inclusion |
Theme 5 | Social Participation |
Theme 6 | Communication and Infomation |
Theme 7 | Civic Participation and Employment |
Theme 8 | Community Support and Health Services |
Phone: 044-933-2051
Age Friendly Westmeath would like to express a massive thank you to all attendees of the Older Persons / Disability Recreational & Sports Expo Event held last December 2023.
Healthy Ireland and the Older Persons Council worked together to host this event.
Older people and disabled individuals were presented with a variety of different sports and recreational activities including Dance to music, Pole activators, Cube, and Exwell Programme.
To watch our latest video, please click on the thumbnail below: