Notice to landownders and occupiers of land regarding obligation to cut/trim roadside hedges/trees:
Please ensure that your roadside hedges and trees do not put any person's life in danger.
Landowners including householders and occupiers of land are reminded that the period for hedge cutting runs from 1st September 2022 to the 28th February 2023.
Section 70 of the Roads Act 1993 obliges landowners to ensure that any structures, trees, or hedges on their property:
• Do not obstruct or interfere with the safe use of the public road or footpath
• Do not obstruct or interfere with the maintenance of the public road or footpath
• Do not pose a hazard to people using the public road or footpath
Liability for damage or injury resulting from such hazards will rest with the landowner/occupier. Hedgerows along public roads that require cutting or trimming back should be cut and all cuttings removed from the roads and verges.
Roadside trees should be inspected, and necessary action taken to prevent any potential hazard to the public. Such inspections should be carried out by suitably qualified personnel.
Please note that where Japanese Knotweed occurs it SHOULD NOT BE CUT. No ground disturbance should take place at these sites at any time of year. Please report all locations of Japanese Knotweed on public roads to your Municipal District Office:
Mullingar: 044-933 2000
Athlone: 090-644 2100
Westmeath County Council wishes to thank landowners for their co-operation in this matter.
Content Last Updated/Reviewed: 25/08/2022