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Celebrating and Highlighting Africa Day 2022

Africa Day Logo

Africa Day, which falls on Wednesday, 25th May, celebrates the richness of African cultures and the contribution of people of African descent to Irish life. Africa Day celebrations are organised by Irish Aid at the Department of Foreign Affairs in partnership with African embassies in Ireland and local authorities and Community groups around the country.

Event 1

Athlone African Community are holding an event in Burgess Park, Athlone on Saturday, 28th May 2022 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. This event will allow the African community to celebrate and showcase their various cultures and enable the African community to participate, volunteer, socialise and integrate with the Irish community and other ethnic groups by presenting African cuisines, fashions, music, art, and dancing. AAC has taken the initiative to invite the Irish, Polish, Indian and other communities to join in and celebrate with us with an estimated attendance of 400 people.

Activities will include kids' entertainment, such as face painting and simple beaded braiding. The kids will be encouraged to participate in showcasing African attire and cultural dance. Also African short stories and poems for kids. The event will promote trade and development in the community; all the ingredients for the African cuisine and general food are bought in the local shops. AAC will promote local shops by providing a platform to create awareness of their products and services. The event will strengthen relations between the local businesses and the African community by participating in the day's events.

Africa Day AAC poster 28th May 2022

Event 2

As part of the celebratory event above, the Athlone Women’s Forum will facilitate a fashion display which includes African traditional wears, symbolic of different African regions, ethnic groups, and empires.

Event 3

The Athlone Women’s Forum are holding an online virtual event on Friday 3rd June at 4pm, celebrating African women and aimed at empowering African women in Ireland through provision of information and awareness of the valuable contributions of African Women past and present in international affairs.
The panel will consist of four women from different regions of Africa who will present facts on the iconic woman they are showcasing followed by panel discussion on her impact on growth and development of the continent.

Details for logging into this event is available on the poster below:

Online Virtual Event 3rd June 2022 Africa Day 2022


Content Last Updated/Reviewed: 27/05/2022