Westmeath County Council’s, Local Enterprise Office (LEO) Westmeath, is a first stop shop to provide support and services to help start and develop small businesses in Westmeath. The Evaluation and Approvals Committee (EVAC) evaluate all projects being considered for financial support.
Westmeath County Council is now inviting expressions of interest from individuals who have the necessary interest, expertise and experience to be appointed to the Evaluation and Approvals Committee. There is no remuneration attached to the positions. The Committee meet at least six times per year with meetings currently conducted online.
Prospective members should have:
• Experience in assessing financial and business proposals
• Broad business experience and an understanding of the challenges facing micro enterprises
• Expertise in one of the following areas:
1. record of entrepreneurship,
2. accountancy experience,
5. knowledge of technology,
6. banking / financial expertise
In making any appointments to this Committee, the Local Authority will give due consideration to the principles of equality and gender balance. However, the Council will not necessarily be confined to those who make such expressions of interest but will ensure that all of those appointed have the relevant mix of knowledge and expertise to contribute to the Committee.
Westmeath County Council will appoint members for a maximum period of five years. The decision of the Council is final and is not confined to the applications received. All expressions of interest lapse at the end of two calendar years from Friday, 27 October, 2023
All applications will be acknowledged and applicants will be informed in due course of decisions in relation to the appointments.
Content Last Updated/Reviewed: 02/10/2023